Organic Food \| Of The Earth

Safe for Your Home & the Planet \| For a Cleaner Planet

Organic Soap \| Of the Earth

Local Refillery \| For a Cleaner Planet

What is Shine?

We know what it feels like to look down at a grocery cart filled with as much plastic as food. Shine is a plastic-free grocery store and refill shop that provides an alternative to this traditional shopping experience.

Our store enables customers to purchase whole foods and safe home and body products without the use of single-use plastics. Our bulk refill store allows you to shop for nourishing food and cleaning products that are good for you, your family, and the planet. We believe that buying quality items for your home shouldn’t cost you or the Earth.

What is <strong>Shine?</strong>

How does it work?

Simply bring your own containers from home – jars, Tupperware, bags, or boxes – and fill up with as much or as little as you need.

We also provide 100% post-consumer recycled paper bags and have free, sanitized jars in the store if you come without a container

How does it <strong>work?</strong>

Who are We?

We are California, through and through. We are owned and operated by passionate locals living within our community. We are created by you, for you.

Our suppliers are as local as we can make them, and just like you and I, they share values of low-waste living and sustainability because we care about the planet.

Our values are simple: reduce single-use plastics and waste, provide food, home and body products that are nourishing, and promote environmental stewardship in our beachside town.

By shopping package-free, we can work towards a better grocery store system that supports the local economy and connects our community to the products being used in our homes.

Why shop at <strong>Shine?</strong>

Why shop at Shine?

Shine customers care about low-waste living and are mindful of how we extract finite resources from the Earth. Our store is simply a resource to align values of low-waste living with actionable steps to protect the future health of our environment and, of course, our children.



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